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Class action

In February 2020, Option consommateurs instituted a class action on behalf of consumers who purchased in Québec, a good or service from Léon, Brick, Brault and Martineau, Ameublements Tanguay or Économax through a “Buy Now; Pay Later” type financing plan since February 27, 2017. Option consommateurs reproaches the defendants of having failed to comply with their legal obligations, notably by choosing to deploy their business model around advertisements on goods containing information on credit and financing available at the time of purchase that violates the Consumer Protection Act.

In January 2022, the Settlement Agreement was approved by the Superior Court of Québec. The Settlement Agreement provide for the payment by the Defendants of a total amount of $1,450,000.

The distribution of amounts to the Fondation pour les consommateurs, a non-profit organization that financially supports associations in Québec that provide financial education on credit and debt and promote consumer rights, is now complete. This file is closed.

Pleadings and judgments