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Professional career

Admitted to the Bar : Québec – 2004

Education : Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), Université de Montréal (2002)
Certificate in Chinese Law, China University of Political Science and Law (2002)

Jean-Philippe Lincourt has been a member of the Québec Bar for over 15 years. He joined the Belleau Lapointe team in 2018, after having practised exclusively in litigation since beginning his career with major Québec firms.

Over the years, Jean-Philippe has focused his practice in the field of class actions, both for plaintiffs and defendants. As such, he has been involved in managing national cases and has participated in long trials on the merits as well as in multiparty negotiation sessions.

He also represents clients before all judicial and administrative bodies, in the areas of civil and commercial litigation, professional liability, insurance law, and construction law. A firm believer in of the tremendous power of words, Jean-Philippe is passionate about the unique challenges of representing clients before the courts, whether it involves pleading or legal drafting.

Jean-Philippe is also involved in planning the National Conference on Class Actions organized in collaboration with the Service de la formation permanente of the Québec Bar.

When he is not busy planning his next court appearance, Jean-Philippe is active in his community and particularly enjoys spending precious time with his family.


  • The Best Lawyers in Canada®, Litigation – Class Actions

  • Podcast “Question de Preuve” Episode 26: Les Courageuses, Rivercast Média, January 18, 2021.
  • Panelist on the program “Le critère de l’article 575(1) C.p.c. – Soufflerait-il un vent de changement?” Canadian Bar Association, November 19, 2020.
  • Podcast “Question de Preuve” Episode 22: Les actions collectives, Rivercast Média, October 5, 2020.
  • Panelist on the program “Multijurisdictional Class Actions: Approaches and Strategies” The Advocates’ Society, October 29, 2020.
  • “Revue annuelle de la jurisprudence marquante en matière de recours collectifs” Conference given as part of the 2012 Québec Bar National Conference on Class Actions.
  • Jean-Philippe Lincourt and Jean Saint-Onge, “La définition du groupe: pierre angulaire du recours collectif” in Développements récents en recours collectifs 2008, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2008.
  • “Les critères d’approbation d’un règlement” Conference given as part of the 2006 Québec Bar National Conference on Class Actions.

  • Represented a financial institution in a class action relating to the protection of personal information (privacy).
  • Acted on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in several class actions related to product liability, some of which involved recalls, concerning medical devices, motor vehicles, and consumer products.
  • Represented religious congregations in class actions filed for sexual abuse of class members. One of these cases resulted in the first judgment on the merits in this area in the country: Tremblay v. Lavoie, 2014 QCCS 3185 (CanLII).
  • Acted on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in class actions related to catastrophic events.
  • Acted on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in several class actions in the field of consumer law.
  • Acted on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants in several environmental class actions, some of which have progressed well beyond the authorization stage.
  • Represented insurance brokers and insurers in several professional liability cases. See in particular: Labranche cSécurité nationale, 2011 QCCS 2429 (CanLII).
  • Involved in several commercial litigation cases related to landlord/tenant relations and securities.
  • Involved in several cases on behalf of a major professional liability general insurance manager.
  • Involved in several disciplinary law matters brought before the disciplinary committees of several professional orders, including the Barreau du Québec, as well as the Chambre de la sécurité financière.